Friday, May 15, 2009

Bed Rest

I had my regular check up on Wednesday and the doctor decided to put me on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. She said that my blood pressure has been way too high the past few times she's seen me and she felt that I needed to rest and relax to get it back down to normal levels. I also still have the bladder infection that sent me to the ER last week after a week of taking antibiotics. The doctor put me on a stronger antibiotic which should get rid of the infection this time around.
Thankfully, the baby is doing fine! I think I have just been overwhelmed with moving, baby things that need to be done and end of the year activities at school and it took it's toll on my body. I just couldn't keep up! I think bed rest will be very good for me, but there is still so much that needs to be done. I know that things will fall into place the way they should, but it's just so hard for me to sit back and let things happen. I'm the kind of person who wanted it done yesterday!!!
Thank you to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. We will keep you updated in the weeks to come!


Kelly said...

I hope you have some good books to read! LOL! Take care of yourself! You are just like me! So funny! I bet that sweet hubby of yours is gonna make sure you are obeying your doctor!

Jordan said...

Hang in there! I TOTALLY understand the part about wanting everything done, but you're right, it will happen (or not) if it's supposed to. Take care.

grier said...

Oh, Natalie... hope things are looking a little brighter for you guys this week! It won't be too long now - you're in the home stretch & as you know - It'll all be worth it in the end! (That is so stinkin' cliche' for me to say... but so, so true!)

We'll be waiting for the good news... keep us posted!!!!

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